Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Campus Tour

So since school started yesterday, and it was such a nice day, I finished up the roll of Tri-X that was on my Voigt. Just biked around and took some shots of buildings and light and stuff. Nothing street, really. Students here aren't really street material...yet. I'm sure I'll find photos eventually.

But I'm going to really try to shoot film from now on. Digital is fine, and sure it's cheaper, but it's not the same feel. I'll use it for everything but street. So like nature and stuff I never do haha. But no, I'm sure I'll use it. I love that camera...and hopefully my next camera, I'll love even more.

I wonder if I told the story of the crazy raccoon on my blog, or if it was on deviantART. Well either way, I was going out to see some friends and I had my voigt. Went outside and saw the usual person or two wandering by, and then I see this object moving around in the bike racks. A raccoon was just chillin out there, trying to get out. I tried to take some photos, but it was pitch black so it was hard. Got this one either way. Walked on, and when I came back, and in my room, the thing was screaming like crazy. about 10 people were trapped from their rooms with the raccoon between them and their rooms.


Psych dept. door at night.
Has a ghostly feel to it.
But I still love this campus. So beautiful. Even in black and white, which is not typical for nature.

EMU if you can see it. 
Just a lamp post, and some bike racks.
Lots of bikes in Eugene.
New York and Eugene are the two places that have the highest bike theft in the world. 
I have a bike lock. Yeah.

This is the next day, right next to the Humpy Lumpy Lawn outside of Hamilton. Great spot. Cozy, but I've found mine. I'm sure you'll be able to see some shots of it eventually. I will tomorrow. Promise. In IDelta 400 though.

Asked my mom to send the last few rolls of film that I left in the fridge. 
I think there's a veliva 50 in there.
That would be great.

Humpy Lumpy Lawn again.
Another nice garden. This is just kitty corner to historic Hayward Field.

I really hope she does send the Velvia 50. 
Apparently the wife of an important figure at UO (Can't think of it off the top of my head, maybe first pres's wife) was a Botanist, and planted many gardens, and many rare plants and trees. I hear that one of the trees behind the Knight Library is one of only 100 in the world.

Bean complex. O's on every window. Mine too.

I went up to the Graduate village, just to check it out. Just outside of campus, on the side where there is nothing important.

Bean again. It's a really really big and tall complex. Hamilton is bigger, but doesn't look bigger because there's like 10 wings.

LLC South. The new dorm. Apparently has cockroaches and walls that don't go up to the ceiling. Wow.
But it's technologically better. Wifi where I only have ethernet in the dorms, and they have special keys. Woo. don't care. I like Burgess.

EMU Ampitheater. This is the Campus Radio booth. They had it there for one day, idk if they usually keep it there. Good music.

Kids sitting listening to the radio in the Ampitheater. 5 feet away from the last one.

Administration building aka Johnson Hall.
Site of another comedic masterpiece:

free video hosting
Free Video Hosting

Just down the ave. 

Lots of bikes. And this is just one of like 5 bike racks in this area. All full.

Down the Quad. Behind me is the Lillis Business Complex, and right through the trees there is the Knight Library. Such a great place to just sit and relax with friends on a sunny day.

I guess you could call this street.
You tell me.

Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. Haven't been in yet, but I will soon, I'm sure.

And finishing off with what could be that tree I was talking about. 
Such a beautiful campus. If you can come, do it now. Leaves are turning, and it will only get better.

Good news though. I said a while ago that my flash cord broke....again. And it did. The cords came detached from the ends. So, I sent it into Dot Dotson's, (They developed these photos), and hopefully they can figure it out. I won't be angry if they don't though. I don't expect them to. It's difficult work. I'll be very pleased if they do though. Ha.

Thanks for reading, and if you can, stop by my uber page so Uber can get some more traffic, and not die off. You can, of course, check out other blogs too. I have links to Chris Weeks', Brian Webb's, and Scott Alexander's blogs on Uber. Great photographers. More links are on my page as well.

Monday, September 29, 2008

First Classes

First day of classes today. Just got out of English 104 about an hour ago. It usually goes from 9-950 but he let us out early. Syllabus day, you know.
I have a two hour break, where I may use it to work out, or shoot (probably shoot today), and then I have 3 hours of classes. Journalism 201, Art History 204, and Poli Sci 201.
I'm very excited. I'll tell you about it soon.

Oh, and if you have not seen it yet, Angelo's post about dArama is a very interesting read.

Yesterday, Steven Pinker, the Psychology Professor at Harvard University spoke at Oregon's Convocation. It was the most interesting lecture I have ever heard so far in my life. I bought his book, got him to sign it, took a picture of him with some FIG friends. Hopefully I will have time to read it. 
I bought "The Stuff of Thought" If you were wondering.

Have a nice day, and thanks for reading.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Burgess Hall

Moved into Burgess Hall a few days ago and it already feels like a good home. Comfy, roomy, good people. Fun stuff. Having fun strolling around on my bike. The campus is so safe at night even that I can start trying to do night street.

Unless there's a homicidal raccoon like there was last night. Walked outside to go see if some people I knew were going to "Freebies At Freddie's," which was a one night shuttle service for UO students to Fred Meyer, where you had to wait in a massive line for the shuttle, then a massive line to get into the store. I didn't go. But I waked outside my dorm and here's this raccoon just chillin in the bike racks. Freaked me out. I moved on, wandered, and came home. Later I hear it screaming like Howard Dean at about 10 people trapped out of their dorm. The raccoon was blocking them access to the door.

Scary shit.

Anyways, I have some new shots up on devART. They are old photos. Some are from June 30th, and one is from when I had the 40D.

Oldies but goodies.

Damn, Blogger has the same problem as Uber, but I guess it's easy to fix. 

Most of these are faded and then made B&W. 
Wanna start making photoshop actions to make some good looking photos.
But then again, over-processed makes the photo a photomanip rather than a photo.

Like this one.
Olllllllld photos.
Oh well

This one is for the 40D
Wanted to focus on the guards, but I was going too fast, but it turned out fine either way.

Yeah, well it's OK.
Another one from the 40D. Fun to shoot but didn't really have good composition. But I love this editing style of mine. Looks like good film grain and shit. 

All of these are from Seattle though. Hopefully I can get some more shots on 13th ave soon. Looks like a lot of  people there so should soon. And hopefully I can shoot with film too. Shooting with rangefinder more. Hmm, maybe I'll shoot it tomorrow too.

Ok. Off to bed, classes start tomorrow at 9 sharp. Shit.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Will update soon. Hopefully I can get some shots online.